Monday, February 27, 2006

My Favorite Barneyisms

There are many who are weighing in on the passing of Don Knotts, American funnyman whose iconic character of small-town deputy Barney Fife memorialized the earnest efforts of all downtrodden, skinny, bug-eyed low men on the totem pole everywhere who have ever longed to make a difference and be taken seriously.

And of course, many are waxing eloquently, much better than I ever could. Some good tributes can be found here and here. I thought my humble contribution to the cause would be to list some of my favorite "Barneyisms." I just hope I can get through these without having to take a hit off my asthma inhaler:

These are only scratching the surface. How about chiming in with a few favorite Barneyisms of your own to memorialize a man who has graced us all with the gift of laughter.

I can't remember these word for word ...

"Boy, giraffes are selfish."

"Why don't you go up to the old folk's home and wax the steps!?"

Smith Brothers Institution (meant The Smithsonian)

Compelsions (compulsions)
Sung to "Clementine"

In a jail house down in Dixie
Fighting crime and saving lives
Lived a sheriff and his buddy
Pistol-packin' Barney Fife

Then one day there came a ridin'
Two bad men to rob a bank
But Fife was tricky, a dead-eye dickey
Now their locked up in the tank

(Andy has snuck in behind Barney, at this point in the song, he buts in:)
Oh my Barney, Oh my Barney
Had a jail and couldn't lock it
Had a bullet for his pistol
Had to keep it in his pocket

(Barney gets cheesed and storms out)

Ed and Scott,

Well done, both of you! Come on everybody, let's have some more!

What amazes me about that show (and others from the sixties) is the intelligence and wit evident in the writing. Today's sit-coms seemed so dumbed down and vulgar in comparison.
Talking about Ernest T Bass: "He's a NUTT!" :)
His lone bullet in his pocket.

Also, when he and Gomer went looking for Ernest T. Bass in the woods and their code word was Hooteewho...thus my blog name and handle...Hooteewho.

Barney and Ernest T had some memorable exchanges. Here's the typical blustery Barn with his solution to the Ernest T problem:

"All I have to do is give him a couple of karate chops, flip him into a corner and he'd get up and head back for the mountains, never to be seen again."

Yes, that's good, I remember that now! So that's how you got your nom de plume!

Didn't Barney's gun go off one time in the holster? I seem to recall Andy upbraiding him like a child for putting the bullet in his gun and not in his pocket where it belonged.
I loved Andy's response to your quote of Barney talking about what he would do to Earnest T.

Andy: "He'll kill ya". :)

How about "Nip it" sung to the tune of Devo's "Whip It?" I can still see myself in the early 80s walking across the front lawn at dear ol' HU (Hail!) humming that little ditty.

I will say a prayer for you and your surgeon--sorry you're going through that, but I hope you get some relief.

I remember those names you mentioned just not the faces. Although the "bowl heads" I can picture quite well!
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